This summer, we helped run a month-long community based orca project down in Fort Bragg, California, with Lee (the Boneman) Post of Homer, Alaska, and Sheila Semans of the Noyo Center. Over the four weeks, we put our tools in the hands of a fabulous team of student interns, local volunteers and the Noyo crew. Our workshop was hopping with skeleton articulation stations, a scientific illustration class, artist displays, evening panel discussions and ongoing marine technology demos. It was all open to the public and summer camp students so we had a continuous stream of curious on-lookers and questions askers. With a little magic happening in Mike's metal-shop, and a whole lot of collaboration, we created one of the most beautiful and dynamic orca skeleton mounts that we've seen (see our exhibits page for some photos of the finished skeleton.)
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Michi Main Archives
September 2017