roaring Steller sea lion,
Vancouver, B.C.
The carcass of this large male steller sea lion was found near the mouth of Cluxewe River on Vancouver Island , B.C. in 2005. The cause of death was likely old age and the skeleton tells an interesting story with advanced osteoporosis and a broken phalange in its right hind flipper along with a rib that was broken in youth and never healed.
This skeleton has been floor mounted on an internal steel armature using custom stainless fittings where metal is visible. He has been captured lifting his imposing upper torso off the rocks and out to sea bellowing to others who might dare to approach. It is displayed among a set of skeletons at UBC in the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory's Marine Mammal Skeleton Project collection.
Skeletons > Steller sea lion (standing)